Tuesday 9 December 2008

How to write a qualitative dissertation: my brief summary

I'm not qualified for any instruction. This article is a record of all I've learned from the writing of my qualitative dissertaion. It's like a self-check, a looking back, or, a diary. If it happens to be so lucky to serve any beginners who have no sense of a qualitative study, it's a bonus.

Before I start, I have to say the readers I like for this article should be those who really want to write a good dissertation. You may be a funny person in your daily life, but that is different with your academic attitude. You must be serious about it. If you don't have a standard for yourself, please stop reading.

Before you choose to follow a qualitative way, I believe you have already been very clear about your proposal. It limits the topic and the research area of your study. Make sure that you will have continuous passion about the topic you choose. Many people lose patience during the middle stage of writing the dissertation. Only your passion can save it. If you cannot do that, go back to check your proposal until you are sure about it.

About how to write a good proposal is not what this article is about. It needs a thorough investigation about all existing literature within your research area, and it's time-consuming. All I can say is to save at least two months for it. If you don't do it well, you might find that all your research problems are not problems. Large amounts of scholars have done so much research on it, more than you originally imagined. It's not a good news for your marks, of course.

If you are clear about your proposal, congratulations. It means you have clearly addressed the 'research problem', which will help to form your 'rationale of the study'. Only when you are sure there are problems existing in your research area and figure out what they are, the research is worthwhile.

After identifying the problems and giving enough reasons why you will do this research, you can start to think of the purpose of study and the 'research questions'. This is one of the key steps. Make sure that the answers to these questions will satisfy the purpose. The questions must be interrelated, logical, and aligned with the purpose. Research questions are so important that they influence the whole analytical framework, conceptual framework, research design, the organization of findings, analysis and conclusion.

Fortunately, the research questions in a qualitative study is not fixed. It's flexible and can be adjusted when you go deeper into your research and find that the orginal questions are not so precise. Unfortunately, the flexibility of a qualitative study increase the complexity of this approach. The reason why I love qualitative study is its nature about people. How alive people are, how alive a qualitative research is. Qualitative study has all the pros and cons of human being. It endues the insight to a topic that a quantitative study can never provide, but suffers the pain of subjectivity coming from people's thoughs and behavior. What else can be more complicated than people? You can imagine the level of difficulty of a qualitative study. Unlike the quantitative one, which is easy to be presented through some beautifully designed graphs and tables, the qualitative study has high demand on the researcher's narrative skills and the ability to see something in-depth. It needs talent. But don't be afraid, it is as interesting as telling a story. There are good story tellers and bad ones, you have to consider again if qualitative approach suits you or not. (You still have time to regret at this stage!)

Therefore, bearing in mind the advantages and disadvantages about qualitative research will help to write the methodology chapter and find out the limitation of your study.

What's coming next is the objectives of the research. It's easy. Every objective is connected with one of the research questions. Make it concise and clear, that's all you need to do.

Now you can start to think about the literature review. If you have done enough homework in your proposal period, things become so simple at this stage. Come up with an analytical framework according to your research questions, arrange different literature into different big categories, and fit these categories one by one into the framework. One helpful tool I highly recommend is the literature map (Creswell, 2003). After drawing that map, you finish your literature review. It can be seen clearly that who has done what kind of research on your topic, to which extent the research reaches, and how your own research fills the gap of previous studies.

The literature review will also help to form the conceptual framework of your study. That means which theory you will use to analyze what, and what variables or hypotheses you will have and their relationships. The conceptual framework is also, like everything, closely related to the research questions.

Well here comes the methodology part, the most difficult and complicated part of the whole dissertation, in my opinion. You will give reasons and explanations of all the following issues:
1) Research rationale. It's not about why you want to do this research. It's about why you want to choose a kind of research strategy/approach/method to conduct it. Your research may be a qualitative one, a quantitative one, or a mix. It totally depends on the nature of your study. Give good reasons to support your choice, of course a lot of literature review about the features, pros and cons of each method should be done.

2) Research sample. What or who will you select to do the research? Describe what they are and the reason why you choose them.

3) Questions and objectives. This step is not very hard because you've done 80% of that at the beginning. Put the process of how you come up with your research questions here, and show the connection between questions and objectives.

4) Research Design.
a. Data collection methods. Since what I talk about is a qualitative research, you decide here which qualitative method you will use. There are many, but the most mentioned ones are interviews, focus group, observations, and documents.
b. Data analysis methods.
c. Validating the accuracy of findings.
For the about two parts, please read the famous work by Miles and Huberman (1994). Since how to analyze data from a qualitative study is an area not fully developed, a young person like me is not qualified to evaluate or comment on it.
d. Limitations. Every research has defects. And a qualitative one? So many. You will list not only the intrinsic limitations of qualitative research, but also other limitations in your own research design.

Well, the methodology part is completed! You now start your primary research according to the methods defined in that part. The next step is to present your findings in your research.

With your analytical framework and conceptual framework, presenting your findings seems to be very clear and logical. Just arrange them according to the framework with an objective tone and concise sentenses. Make sure that each research question must have at least one finding. It doesn't make a good dissertation if one question is not answered or not answered well.

Analysis, or you call discussion, is the most creative part in a qualitative dissertation. Here you become more subjective, giving interpretations of each of your findings. Try to think about what your findings mean from every possible or impossible perspective, give explanations and reasons, make sound arguments, once a topic. Do not forget to link your interpretation with the literature review, to see whether some theories are confirmed, contradicted, or developed, whether your hypotheses or assumptions are proved or disputed, or if you don't have any assumptions, whether a new theory emerges from the findings. Well this is the most valuable part of a dissertation.

Compared to so many previous steps, drawing conclusion may be an easy task. Try to abstract what you now know is true from every finding, and what you don't know before the research but now you know it for sure. List them one by one according to every research question. Now, all questions have answers. What a wonderful feeling!

It's close to the end. Don't forget about the recommendations, and if you have time, contributions. Make your recommendations practical and reasonable. Don't ask the others to do something fansy and not connected with the topic you discussed and the major you study. It really needs some experience here to make good recommendations. I always think that people should work for a while before continuing further higher education.

About contributions, hmm. It's a pity that you don't praise yourself after so much hard work, isn't it? This chance is not in everywhere. Take good advantage of it!

Finally, all I want to say is deep appreciation to:
1) The book 'Completing Your Qualitative Dissertation: A Roadmap from Beginning to End', written by Bloomberg, L.D. & Volpe, M. (2008). This book is EXCELLENT. Every word is so concise and clear, and the whole structure is so well organized. The authors are good story tellers and superior teachers. Without their help I can't finish my disseration in this standard in such a short time. All my sincere thanks to them.

2) The British Library. In my toughest period of time, it is the BL that provides me a place to look at myself and concentrate on my study. The academic atmosphere, the rich resources, the nice coffee and muffins, ...I love and will never forget every day inside. BL is the bridge to the knowledge of the world, thanks for freeing my mind.

3) My tutors. I will not repeat what I have said to you :) But saying thank you is far from enough...

4) All friends that giving me help physically and psychically. I never expected that there were so many friends around me when I was weak. A letter, a smile, a hug, even a word, everything you did has encouraged me so much. I am thankful for having all of you, loving and being loved.

"Tomorrow is another day. " said Scarlett.

Friday 21 November 2008

Confit de canard 法式鸭腿

Don't know if this is the most original recipe :p
Maybe can serve for Xmas dinner :)

1. 鴨腿先覆蓋在海鹽下約半天時間。
2. 之後取出,切掉肥皮及油的部份。
3. 切除的油及肥皮部份下鍋慢煎,之後瀝乾備用。
4. 將鴨腿放置於此油中,用低於70度小火慢燉約兩小時。
5. 之後將油瀝掉,要吃前下平底鍋煎至外皮酥黃後可上桌。
6. 可跟炸薯塊或薯泥一起食用。

4 cuisses de canard confites Montfort
8 perles d’ail
2 belles échalotes
1 kg de raisins rouges frais,pas très gros
Sel & Poivre
1. Peler et piler l’ail. Réserver.
2. Peler et émincer les échalotes. Réserver.
3. Rincer et égrainer les raisins.
4. Déposer les cuisses débarrassées de l’excèdent de graisse dans lapoêle bien chaude, côté peau vers le bas. Couvrir, régler le feuet laisser réchauffer.
5. Dès que la peau commence à roussir, les retourner. Retirer la quasitotalitéde la graisse rendue. Ajouter l’ail, les échalotes et 2 min plustard les grains de raisin. Laisser sur le feu 3 min de plus. Retirer lescuisses, les réserver au chaud. Saler, poivrer raisins et échalotes etlaisser mijoter 5 min de plus.
6. Dresser sur chaque assiette chaude la cuisse et sa garniture.Accompagner si vous le souhaitez de pain grillé aillé.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

End of the moment of London's Autumn

Autumn should be my favourite season, with the color of leaves---just don't be so cold!
The weather today is rarely superb :). Walking in front of my house, couldn't help going back to take the camera...Let's grab the tail of the autumn in London!

Wednesday 8 October 2008

3-Cup-Chicken: 三杯雞

Thanks a lot for the recipe offered by Hanry!:) I made little change to it according to my own taste :p


1. chicken (雞) *部份依個人喜好.我用過雞翼,也用過雞腿
2. green onions (青蔥) *用綠色部份長條丟進去炒就ok
3. ginger (薑) *切成片狀
4. garlic (蒜) *切成片狀
5. red pepper (紅辣椒 ex: 雞心辣椒) *.雞心辣椒超辣..用一點點就好 1/5 顆就好
6. rice wine (米酒) *我用的是紹興花雕
7. basil (九層塔) *只用葉..用整個也ok
8. sugar (糖) *brown sugar 較好(但我還是用了普通白糖)
9. cooking oil (煮菜油) *也可用橄欖油.
10. butter (牛油) *可不用..要的話一點點跟煮菜油一起跟雞炒成金黃色會香一點
11. soy sauce (醬油) *我用了珠江生抽,外加一點點老抽上色
12. sesame oil (麻油) *我放的分量和油是一半一半,覺得會比較香:p
13. salt (鹽) *Hanry原食譜建議用海鹽味道較香..kosher salt is good too(我用了普通鹽)
14. ground black pepper 黑胡椒磨碎 (我沒放,因為沒有磨黑胡椒的工具:(555)

steps:1. 雞斬好小件.
3. 青蔥..薑..辣椒..黑胡椒磨碎..也一起炒
4. 倒入醬油..米酒炒..
5. 加糖..鹽..調味 (我沒有再加鹽)
6. 最後丟進九層塔炒...然後悶到收乾

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Apricot Tarte 杏子塔



=>375g packet ready-rolled puff pastry, chilled.
=>1 egg, beaten, only for glazing
=>500g ripe apricots, cut into halves, reserve the core.
=>100g apricot jam.
=>1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
=>4 tablespoon vanilla sugar (I didn't put this finally, already sweet enough)
=>some icing sugar, for decoration.


1. Cut the pastry 直徑25cm, Reroll the offcuts, make 4 strips about 2 X 25cm.
2. Brush the egg onto the pastry.烘焙紙涂油,留出pastry 2cm邊緣,用叉子在中間扎洞。
3. Preheat the oven for 220 C.
4. 打好的蛋涂在沒有扎洞的pastry上,之前的offcuts放在邊緣上繞圈搭成型。再次用蛋涂在整個pastry上,包括扎了洞和沒扎洞的。bake for 20min,至邊緣升起。拿出來再扎洞一次。
5. Make the almond out of the core and chip them
6. Slice the apricots into 6 pieces, flesh upwards, sprinkle the almond chips.
7. Stir the apricot jam and lemon juice, brush onto the fruits.
8. Sprinkle on the vanilla sugar, bake for 20min. Until the apricots soft, fragrant, 尖端稍焦
9. Decorated with icing sugar

Serve when it's hot! :))

Saturday 30 August 2008

99.9% Natual: Banana Cupcakes

I've been waiting for my bananas getting ripe for a while...So I made the cake today according to Dandan's recipe:

Ingredients: Bread flour 70g, cake flour 70g, butter 56g, milk 56g, sugar 100g (too much! should be 80g or less), baking powder 1.25tsp, 2 eggs, 2 bananas, some walnut/dried grape, cut in pieces.

Instruction: 1) Beat the eggs with sugar, until pale. Don't overbeat. Add butter and milk and stir.

2) Add banana, filter all the flour into the mixture.

3) Pour the mixture into small paper cup, add some walnut chips.

4) Pre-heat the oven, bake for 20 min at 180 C.

Well this is the first time I make banana cake;) Nice smell of banana...Why not 100% natual? Because of some baking powder...But you just can't omit that. Hope Daly will like it tmr...

材料:小纸杯24杯(真多啊。)  全麦面粉70克、低筋面粉70克、溶化黄油1/4杯(大约56克)、牛奶1/4杯(56克)、糖100克、泡打粉1又1/4小匙、鸡蛋2个、香蕉2个、核桃仁或葡萄干适量   
做法:  1、全蛋加入糖打发至颜色变白,不用打的太发,一点一点加入溶化黄油和牛奶拌匀。  2、香蕉去皮用叉子压成泥加入打好的全蛋中,筛入低粉和泡打粉,加入全麦粉用刮刀拌匀。  3、倒入小纸杯中8分满,撒适量碎核桃或葡萄干。  4、烤箱180度预热烘烤20分钟左右。

Saturday 16 August 2008

Castle. History preservation

Travelled to Leeds castle last week.

That's a wonderful castle. It's so nicely preserved, still used as conference and wedding venues today. When I left the castle, getting on the shuttle bus, the driver talked to me when he knew my nationality.
'Which country do you like? UK or China?'

I said every country has its good and bad side.
'And how do you think about your government?'

I felt kind of bored being asked about this kind of question. Politics is neither my specialty nor my interest. But some people are just keen on commenting on the affairs of the others. Maybe he's merely curious.

He ended the conversation by saying that 'no matter in which country, people are nice, but governments always...'

I do agree with him at this point. Just feel a bit uncomfortable as if someone has a mistaken drawing on a beautiful painting. That day could be nicer.

But what can I say...People in England can see the same scenery as their ancestors saw, but Chinese can barely see that in today's China...

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Duck, Alone

I passed Vauxhall tube station today and saw something strange on the ground.

Getting closer, I found that it's a little resin duck.

Over there, it was seated quietly while cars rushing by. It was smiling at me. Little duck, who left you alone here, how long have you been sitting and smiling, how many people ever notice you? ...
I took a photo for it and decided to take it home if it's still there when I came back an hour later.

So finally I used a lot of newspaper to pick it up and took a thorough bath for it...It is with me now. And I found out it's actually a bear, under the duck's skin...:p

Friday 1 August 2008

Provence: Chapter of Souvenir

Miel, amandes et petites douceurs

Arbre roi du plateau, l'amandier occasionna de grands profits, surtout au XIXe siècle. Les apiculteurs déposent leurs ruches près des lavandins fleuris dont le nectar est à la base du miel local. Mêlez amandes et miel et vous serez au jardin des délices, vous dégusterez pralines, nougats et calissons. Et oui, les Provençaux qui ont élaboré ces produits sont gourmands!

Lavande, lavandinCe sont des champs de lavandin, un hybride de deux types de lavandes, qui colore le pays en bleu à la belle saison. Il vous faudra, pour trouver la plus discrète au parfum suave, gagner les hauteurs septentrionales du plateau.
终于说到它了,激动一下先。一般我们把Lavande(英文lavender)译成薰衣草,可是对于和它同族的lavandin,却没有太多介绍。其实Lavande是原生薰衣草,生长在海拔800米以上的地区;lavandin是两种薰衣草杂交的品种,生长在海拔800米以下的地区,在普罗旺斯最常见的就是这种。两者无论从外型,香气,还是珍贵程度都有很大差别。Lavande仅有一条花茎,花儿个头大又饱满,颜色是深深的紫蓝,要约130公斤的花才能蒸馏出1升的精油,所以也是各种高级香水化妆品的原料;而lavandin一枝三茎,花骨朵较小,颜色较浅,但40公斤就能产一升精油。这可不只是物以稀为贵的原因,lavandin的香气非常浓郁,细细闻来其实远不如lavande的香味那样柔和细腻。所以各位,买薰衣草精油的时候可要看清楚啦,Huile Essentielle de Lavandin还是lavande,只差两个字母,价格可是差得远啦!而且想要安神,作香薰,治头疼,等等等等,lavandin是没用的,只有lavande才行!我在第一家买了瓶很小的精油,正因价格低而暗自窃喜,回来一看才发现买的是lavandin。。。555。。。

然而不管是原生还是混种薰衣草,它们都在这个美丽的季节给普罗旺斯染上了鲜艳的蓝紫色。这可爱的植物,有千好而只有一坏。田野的绚丽色彩,空气中的幽幽香气,驱赶蚊虫,消炎治病,安神止痛,由此衍生出来的和薰衣草相关的产品,那可不就是普罗旺斯最具特色的特产么。每到7、8月,普罗旺斯的各个薰衣草产区都会相继举办镇子里的薰衣草节,我特意计划赶上了位于Sault北面的薰衣草节Ferrasiere Fete de la Lavande,逛了个够,吃了个够,把展览看了个够。:)

Thursday 31 July 2008

Japanese Light Cheese Cake日式輕芝士蛋糕

我最經常做的一個蛋糕。又香又滑,卻也不會口味太重讓你有罪惡感;),適用于6寸圓模。This is the cake I make most frequently :). Well, this is delicately made, complicated, but the finished product is so creamy and can melt in your mouth! :D Unlike the German or American Cheese cake, it is less sweety but much more healthy and delicious :). Use a 6" round mould, serve for 2 or 3 people.

1: 奶油奶酪 Philadelphia Cream Cheese: 100g
2: 牛奶 Milk: 50g
3:无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter: 30g or 25g
4:蛋黄 Yolk: 3
5:低筋面粉 Cake Flour : 15g
6:玉米淀粉 Cornflour/Cornstarch: 10g
7:柠檬汁 Fresh lemon juice: several drops (can be replaced by vinegar可用白醋代替)
8:蛋白 Albumen: 3 (together with the yolk above, that's 3 eggs in medium size)
9:细砂糖 Sugar: 50g or 45g
10: 杏子果醬 Abricot jam: one spoon 一匙


1:Preparation: separate the yolk and eggwhite in two clean big bows. Cut a round shape baking paper for the bottom of the mould. 蛋黄和蛋白分开装入干净的容器里( 容器保持干爽无水无油)
2:Sift all the flour. 低筋面粉和玉米淀粉混合过筛备用.
3:Melt the cream cheese in the milk, while heated with water separation. 奶酪加牛奶,隔热水搅拌至光滑无颗粒,锅里水烧到65度关最小火慢慢加热.
4:Add butter in step 3, and then add several drops of lemon juice. 搅拌好乳酪牛奶后分3次加入融化好的黄油,搅拌均匀.再加入柠檬汁拌均匀.
5:Stir the egg yolks into the mixture one by one. 分次加入蛋黄,加一个搅拌一个.
6:Add sifted flour and lightly stir it (cannot move it in a circular pattern) 加入过筛的低粉和玉米淀粉用橡皮刮刀搅拌均匀.
7:Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Beat the eggwhite with lemon juice and adding sugar one at a time, until close to stiffy. I always use 4 min to finish this step...蛋白加入柠檬汁打成粗泡后分两次加入细砂糖打成湿性发泡(打蛋白的时候先预热烤箱160度)
8:Stir 1/3 of beated eggwhite into the yolk mixture. Then pour the whole mixture lightly back into the 2/3 eggwhite until fully blended. 取一部分蛋白到蛋黄糊里轻轻翻拌均匀,再将面糊倒入剩余的蛋白里轻轻翻拌均匀成乳酪蛋糕糊.
9:Pour the finished mixture into the pan mould, steam-bake it with hot water under the pan for 30 min until golden color, then another 35min in 145 degrees. 将蛋糕糊倒入模具8分满,轻轻磕碰几下.烤盘里装水,将蛋糕放入烤盘水浴烤160度烤30分钟上色后转145度烤35分钟.
10:Remove the cake from the oven, brush a layer of apricot jam, cool it completely and refrigerate it before serving. It will be more delicious on the second day! 蛋糕取出冷却,刷上杏子醬,放入冰箱冷藏到隔天食用最為美味!

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Rose& Polished Glutinous Rice

The dinner tonight.

Fresh rose X 2, Polished glutinous rice 100g, Milk 50g, Honey or Maple syrup or Rose syrup.
Immerse the rice in cold water over 24 hours. Add milk and steam until riped. Slice the quickly boiled roses. Round the rice in small ball-shape, rolled by the roses, eat it with honey.
It's done! Light scent of milk and rose, soft and elastic rice...Mmmm...super...

A song: She doesn't see me


一翻译就发现问题了,有些地方歌词怪怪的,不知怎么联系上下文。有些地方人称突然变换,就算解释为唱歌的人看到配得上he的she而自怜自伤,也不能100%说服自己。查查资料才发现,这首歌最初的版本竟是法语,出自电影Astérix et Obélix contre César (1999),作者是大名鼎鼎的Jean-Jacques Goldman和Roland Romanelli。说到这个让雅克小金人,不仅自己曾是80年代红极一时的法语歌手,后来成为制作人后俨然一法语歌坛大哥大,几乎包办了Celine Dion同学的多数专辑。自然原歌名也是法语:Elle ne me voit pas,她眼中没有我。是一个男子对一个女子的心声。后来英国的流行乐队A1将这法语版本旋律改动少少,自行作了英文歌词,于是有了英文版本She doesn't see me. 非常推荐这个版本,A1组合的四个男生声线各异,但对歌曲的诠释丝毫不显浮躁,结尾的改动尤其出色,悠扬的苏格兰风笛声中男声反反复复,如同一双双闪烁着压抑着的渴望的眼睛,somewhere in the corner, somewhere you can't see。

而后莎拉布莱曼同学翻唱了这歌,由女的来唱自然歌词要改动下。在莎拉的两个版本的专辑中这歌的人称又变了两次,在欧洲发行的版本中是旁观者的身份She doesn't see him, 非欧洲版本中是最多人听过的He doesn't see me,最终改变了主角的性别,最终成就了穿越女主的小白~~

我对莎拉同学不太感冒,因为不喜欢她唱的歌剧魅影版本和Scarborough Fair,就连带这个人也一起不喜欢了,真是片面啊我。总觉得她古典得不够纯正大气,对歌曲的处理太多导致流于花巧。当然对于这首歌,她的版本另有一种女性的婉约柔媚,还是可以一听。

她看不到我,他看不到我。歌里的淡淡忧伤,越过苏格兰风笛的肩膀,怎能不被这首歌打动呢。仿佛身处夕阳千里的草原,风中传来细语殷殷,有人低低地吟唱,someone other than me...so different from me...he doesn't see me...he doesn't see me...


When she passes me by 她与我擦肩而过的刹那 Quand elle passe, elle efface comme un éclat
She's a ray of light like the first drop of sun from the sky 仿佛从天而降的第一缕阳光 Devant un ciel c'est elle qu'on voit
And I know she's a queen who deserves a king 她是只有君王才能匹配的王后 Elle est si reine qu'elle ne mérite qu'un roi
But I'm not a king 而我不是君王 Je ne suis pas roi
And she doesn't see me 她怎能看得到我 Elle ne me voit pas

When she dances she moves me to a smile 当她舞着转向我 微笑在她唇角绽放 Quand elle danse tout danse, ses reins, ses bras (她纤腰旋舞 玉臂清辉)
And I see everything near her shine 让身畔都飞舞流光 Près d'elle tout s'éclaire un peu, pourquoi
There's a grace in her ways that I can't contain 而她睥睨众生的优雅 Elle a cette grâce que les autres n'ont pas
I don't have that grace 不在我血脉中流淌 Tout ce que je n'ai pas
So she doesn't see me 所以她看不到我呀

And the closer I get I can't help but hide 她离我越近 越是让我羞愧 Et moi plus j'approche et plus je me sens maladroit
So ashamed of my body and voice 为何我如此自惭形秽 Plus je détestais mon corps et ma voix
There are boundaries we pass in spite of the war 我们能冲破军队守护的重重疆域 Il y a des frontières qu'on passe Malgré des milliers de soldats
But our own we can't seem to cross 却永远越不过心的屏障 Mais les nôtres on ne les franchit pas

He has a way that surrounds him, so delicate 而他翩翩风采与她相衬 Il a de l'allure et des gestes délicats
With a glory that reigns in his life 有着与生俱来的荣光 La vie légère de ce monde-là
He is also so much that he is not 他拥有一切又如何呢 Il est aussi tellement tout ce qu'il n'est pas
But these things they don't see 然而这些人们不会理睬 Mais les femmes ne savent pas
And she doesn't see me 她仍然不看我呀 Voir ces choses-là
Oh ... 唉 And she doesn't see me 她看不到我呀 Elle ne me voit pas

There are things we can change 有些事情能够改变 On peut changer tellement de choses
If we just choose to fight 若我们勇敢面对 Si l'on veut, si l'on combat
But the walls of injustice are high 奈何不公之墙高高在上,远超你我想象 Mais pas ces injustices-là

When she passes me by 她与我擦肩而过的刹那 Quand elle passe, elle efface comme un éclat
She's a ray of light like the first drop of sun from the sky 仿佛从天而降的第一缕阳光 Devant un ciel c'est elle qu'on voit
And I know she's a queen who deserves a king 她是王后,能与之比肩的只有王啊 Elle est si reine qu'elle ne mérite qu'un roi
Someone other than me 任何人,无奈不能是我 Un autre que moi
So different from me 那个人,与我如此不同 Je ne suis pas roi
Oh ... 哦
She doesn't see me 她怎能看到我 Elle ne me voit pas (她看不到我呀)
She doesn't see me

O Lola

第一次听乡村骑士的时候唯一记住的就是这首。其他所有的包括那著名间奏曲都很好听,听完印象就是好听呀真好听呀,但这首O Lola是一下子掐住我咽喉无法思考的那种。甚至为了它想要去学竖琴。没错,就是这首该死的歌让我想学竖琴。为什么一首赞颂着爱人的歌会那么怅然而悲伤呢?罗拉你明明象鲜花一样美丽呀。



O Lola ch'hai di latti la cammisa
si bianca e russa comu la cirasa,...
quannu t'affacci
fai la vucca a risu...
...biato cui ti dà lu primu vasu.
Ntra la porta tua lu sangu è sparsu,
e nun me 'mporta si ce muoru accisu.
E s'iddu muoru e vaju'n paradisu,...
...si nun ce truovo a ttia,
mancu ce trasu.

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