Thursday 31 July 2008

Japanese Light Cheese Cake日式輕芝士蛋糕

我最經常做的一個蛋糕。又香又滑,卻也不會口味太重讓你有罪惡感;),適用于6寸圓模。This is the cake I make most frequently :). Well, this is delicately made, complicated, but the finished product is so creamy and can melt in your mouth! :D Unlike the German or American Cheese cake, it is less sweety but much more healthy and delicious :). Use a 6" round mould, serve for 2 or 3 people.

1: 奶油奶酪 Philadelphia Cream Cheese: 100g
2: 牛奶 Milk: 50g
3:无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter: 30g or 25g
4:蛋黄 Yolk: 3
5:低筋面粉 Cake Flour : 15g
6:玉米淀粉 Cornflour/Cornstarch: 10g
7:柠檬汁 Fresh lemon juice: several drops (can be replaced by vinegar可用白醋代替)
8:蛋白 Albumen: 3 (together with the yolk above, that's 3 eggs in medium size)
9:细砂糖 Sugar: 50g or 45g
10: 杏子果醬 Abricot jam: one spoon 一匙


1:Preparation: separate the yolk and eggwhite in two clean big bows. Cut a round shape baking paper for the bottom of the mould. 蛋黄和蛋白分开装入干净的容器里( 容器保持干爽无水无油)
2:Sift all the flour. 低筋面粉和玉米淀粉混合过筛备用.
3:Melt the cream cheese in the milk, while heated with water separation. 奶酪加牛奶,隔热水搅拌至光滑无颗粒,锅里水烧到65度关最小火慢慢加热.
4:Add butter in step 3, and then add several drops of lemon juice. 搅拌好乳酪牛奶后分3次加入融化好的黄油,搅拌均匀.再加入柠檬汁拌均匀.
5:Stir the egg yolks into the mixture one by one. 分次加入蛋黄,加一个搅拌一个.
6:Add sifted flour and lightly stir it (cannot move it in a circular pattern) 加入过筛的低粉和玉米淀粉用橡皮刮刀搅拌均匀.
7:Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Beat the eggwhite with lemon juice and adding sugar one at a time, until close to stiffy. I always use 4 min to finish this step...蛋白加入柠檬汁打成粗泡后分两次加入细砂糖打成湿性发泡(打蛋白的时候先预热烤箱160度)
8:Stir 1/3 of beated eggwhite into the yolk mixture. Then pour the whole mixture lightly back into the 2/3 eggwhite until fully blended. 取一部分蛋白到蛋黄糊里轻轻翻拌均匀,再将面糊倒入剩余的蛋白里轻轻翻拌均匀成乳酪蛋糕糊.
9:Pour the finished mixture into the pan mould, steam-bake it with hot water under the pan for 30 min until golden color, then another 35min in 145 degrees. 将蛋糕糊倒入模具8分满,轻轻磕碰几下.烤盘里装水,将蛋糕放入烤盘水浴烤160度烤30分钟上色后转145度烤35分钟.
10:Remove the cake from the oven, brush a layer of apricot jam, cool it completely and refrigerate it before serving. It will be more delicious on the second day! 蛋糕取出冷却,刷上杏子醬,放入冰箱冷藏到隔天食用最為美味!

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Rose& Polished Glutinous Rice

The dinner tonight.

Fresh rose X 2, Polished glutinous rice 100g, Milk 50g, Honey or Maple syrup or Rose syrup.
Immerse the rice in cold water over 24 hours. Add milk and steam until riped. Slice the quickly boiled roses. Round the rice in small ball-shape, rolled by the roses, eat it with honey.
It's done! Light scent of milk and rose, soft and elastic rice...Mmmm...super...

A song: She doesn't see me


一翻译就发现问题了,有些地方歌词怪怪的,不知怎么联系上下文。有些地方人称突然变换,就算解释为唱歌的人看到配得上he的she而自怜自伤,也不能100%说服自己。查查资料才发现,这首歌最初的版本竟是法语,出自电影Astérix et Obélix contre César (1999),作者是大名鼎鼎的Jean-Jacques Goldman和Roland Romanelli。说到这个让雅克小金人,不仅自己曾是80年代红极一时的法语歌手,后来成为制作人后俨然一法语歌坛大哥大,几乎包办了Celine Dion同学的多数专辑。自然原歌名也是法语:Elle ne me voit pas,她眼中没有我。是一个男子对一个女子的心声。后来英国的流行乐队A1将这法语版本旋律改动少少,自行作了英文歌词,于是有了英文版本She doesn't see me. 非常推荐这个版本,A1组合的四个男生声线各异,但对歌曲的诠释丝毫不显浮躁,结尾的改动尤其出色,悠扬的苏格兰风笛声中男声反反复复,如同一双双闪烁着压抑着的渴望的眼睛,somewhere in the corner, somewhere you can't see。

而后莎拉布莱曼同学翻唱了这歌,由女的来唱自然歌词要改动下。在莎拉的两个版本的专辑中这歌的人称又变了两次,在欧洲发行的版本中是旁观者的身份She doesn't see him, 非欧洲版本中是最多人听过的He doesn't see me,最终改变了主角的性别,最终成就了穿越女主的小白~~

我对莎拉同学不太感冒,因为不喜欢她唱的歌剧魅影版本和Scarborough Fair,就连带这个人也一起不喜欢了,真是片面啊我。总觉得她古典得不够纯正大气,对歌曲的处理太多导致流于花巧。当然对于这首歌,她的版本另有一种女性的婉约柔媚,还是可以一听。

她看不到我,他看不到我。歌里的淡淡忧伤,越过苏格兰风笛的肩膀,怎能不被这首歌打动呢。仿佛身处夕阳千里的草原,风中传来细语殷殷,有人低低地吟唱,someone other than different from me...he doesn't see me...he doesn't see me...


When she passes me by 她与我擦肩而过的刹那 Quand elle passe, elle efface comme un éclat
She's a ray of light like the first drop of sun from the sky 仿佛从天而降的第一缕阳光 Devant un ciel c'est elle qu'on voit
And I know she's a queen who deserves a king 她是只有君王才能匹配的王后 Elle est si reine qu'elle ne mérite qu'un roi
But I'm not a king 而我不是君王 Je ne suis pas roi
And she doesn't see me 她怎能看得到我 Elle ne me voit pas

When she dances she moves me to a smile 当她舞着转向我 微笑在她唇角绽放 Quand elle danse tout danse, ses reins, ses bras (她纤腰旋舞 玉臂清辉)
And I see everything near her shine 让身畔都飞舞流光 Près d'elle tout s'éclaire un peu, pourquoi
There's a grace in her ways that I can't contain 而她睥睨众生的优雅 Elle a cette grâce que les autres n'ont pas
I don't have that grace 不在我血脉中流淌 Tout ce que je n'ai pas
So she doesn't see me 所以她看不到我呀

And the closer I get I can't help but hide 她离我越近 越是让我羞愧 Et moi plus j'approche et plus je me sens maladroit
So ashamed of my body and voice 为何我如此自惭形秽 Plus je détestais mon corps et ma voix
There are boundaries we pass in spite of the war 我们能冲破军队守护的重重疆域 Il y a des frontières qu'on passe Malgré des milliers de soldats
But our own we can't seem to cross 却永远越不过心的屏障 Mais les nôtres on ne les franchit pas

He has a way that surrounds him, so delicate 而他翩翩风采与她相衬 Il a de l'allure et des gestes délicats
With a glory that reigns in his life 有着与生俱来的荣光 La vie légère de ce monde-là
He is also so much that he is not 他拥有一切又如何呢 Il est aussi tellement tout ce qu'il n'est pas
But these things they don't see 然而这些人们不会理睬 Mais les femmes ne savent pas
And she doesn't see me 她仍然不看我呀 Voir ces choses-là
Oh ... 唉 And she doesn't see me 她看不到我呀 Elle ne me voit pas

There are things we can change 有些事情能够改变 On peut changer tellement de choses
If we just choose to fight 若我们勇敢面对 Si l'on veut, si l'on combat
But the walls of injustice are high 奈何不公之墙高高在上,远超你我想象 Mais pas ces injustices-là

When she passes me by 她与我擦肩而过的刹那 Quand elle passe, elle efface comme un éclat
She's a ray of light like the first drop of sun from the sky 仿佛从天而降的第一缕阳光 Devant un ciel c'est elle qu'on voit
And I know she's a queen who deserves a king 她是王后,能与之比肩的只有王啊 Elle est si reine qu'elle ne mérite qu'un roi
Someone other than me 任何人,无奈不能是我 Un autre que moi
So different from me 那个人,与我如此不同 Je ne suis pas roi
Oh ... 哦
She doesn't see me 她怎能看到我 Elle ne me voit pas (她看不到我呀)
She doesn't see me

O Lola

第一次听乡村骑士的时候唯一记住的就是这首。其他所有的包括那著名间奏曲都很好听,听完印象就是好听呀真好听呀,但这首O Lola是一下子掐住我咽喉无法思考的那种。甚至为了它想要去学竖琴。没错,就是这首该死的歌让我想学竖琴。为什么一首赞颂着爱人的歌会那么怅然而悲伤呢?罗拉你明明象鲜花一样美丽呀。



O Lola ch'hai di latti la cammisa
si bianca e russa comu la cirasa,...
quannu t'affacci
fai la vucca a risu...
...biato cui ti dà lu primu vasu.
Ntra la porta tua lu sangu è sparsu,
e nun me 'mporta si ce muoru accisu.
E s'iddu muoru e vaju'n paradisu,... nun ce truovo a ttia,
mancu ce trasu.

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