Thursday 31 July 2008

Japanese Light Cheese Cake日式輕芝士蛋糕

我最經常做的一個蛋糕。又香又滑,卻也不會口味太重讓你有罪惡感;),適用于6寸圓模。This is the cake I make most frequently :). Well, this is delicately made, complicated, but the finished product is so creamy and can melt in your mouth! :D Unlike the German or American Cheese cake, it is less sweety but much more healthy and delicious :). Use a 6" round mould, serve for 2 or 3 people.

1: 奶油奶酪 Philadelphia Cream Cheese: 100g
2: 牛奶 Milk: 50g
3:无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter: 30g or 25g
4:蛋黄 Yolk: 3
5:低筋面粉 Cake Flour : 15g
6:玉米淀粉 Cornflour/Cornstarch: 10g
7:柠檬汁 Fresh lemon juice: several drops (can be replaced by vinegar可用白醋代替)
8:蛋白 Albumen: 3 (together with the yolk above, that's 3 eggs in medium size)
9:细砂糖 Sugar: 50g or 45g
10: 杏子果醬 Abricot jam: one spoon 一匙


1:Preparation: separate the yolk and eggwhite in two clean big bows. Cut a round shape baking paper for the bottom of the mould. 蛋黄和蛋白分开装入干净的容器里( 容器保持干爽无水无油)
2:Sift all the flour. 低筋面粉和玉米淀粉混合过筛备用.
3:Melt the cream cheese in the milk, while heated with water separation. 奶酪加牛奶,隔热水搅拌至光滑无颗粒,锅里水烧到65度关最小火慢慢加热.
4:Add butter in step 3, and then add several drops of lemon juice. 搅拌好乳酪牛奶后分3次加入融化好的黄油,搅拌均匀.再加入柠檬汁拌均匀.
5:Stir the egg yolks into the mixture one by one. 分次加入蛋黄,加一个搅拌一个.
6:Add sifted flour and lightly stir it (cannot move it in a circular pattern) 加入过筛的低粉和玉米淀粉用橡皮刮刀搅拌均匀.
7:Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Beat the eggwhite with lemon juice and adding sugar one at a time, until close to stiffy. I always use 4 min to finish this step...蛋白加入柠檬汁打成粗泡后分两次加入细砂糖打成湿性发泡(打蛋白的时候先预热烤箱160度)
8:Stir 1/3 of beated eggwhite into the yolk mixture. Then pour the whole mixture lightly back into the 2/3 eggwhite until fully blended. 取一部分蛋白到蛋黄糊里轻轻翻拌均匀,再将面糊倒入剩余的蛋白里轻轻翻拌均匀成乳酪蛋糕糊.
9:Pour the finished mixture into the pan mould, steam-bake it with hot water under the pan for 30 min until golden color, then another 35min in 145 degrees. 将蛋糕糊倒入模具8分满,轻轻磕碰几下.烤盘里装水,将蛋糕放入烤盘水浴烤160度烤30分钟上色后转145度烤35分钟.
10:Remove the cake from the oven, brush a layer of apricot jam, cool it completely and refrigerate it before serving. It will be more delicious on the second day! 蛋糕取出冷却,刷上杏子醬,放入冰箱冷藏到隔天食用最為美味!

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