Friday 26 March 2010

Banana and Hazelnut Cake that you can finish in 30mins香蕉榛果蛋糕

Believe me, if you want to bake a wonderful cake in a limited amount of time for some important guests, this is your choice. Everyone can make it, and it comes out to be far more tasty than you imagine!

Well, everything started simply because I saw some leftover ripe bananas and one of my friends was on her way here...And you must bear in mind: THIS CAKE IS THE SIMPLEST TO MAKE! And then I started chopping the bananas, baking the hazelnuts, taking the eggs out of the fridge, sifting the flour...After 30 minutes, I sent the cake into the oven. And the guest just arrived and we all rested in leisure, waiting for the cake to be done. :)

Banana Hazelnuts Cake (about a 10X25cm square mould)

very ripe banana X 3 (must be very ripe!)
granulated sugar 100g
a pinch of salt
L size eggs X 2 (about 140-150g with shell)
unsalted butter 85-90g, melt in microwave for 20sec with 500W power, cool to room temperature
2 drops of vanilla extract (or 1/4 vanilla pod's seeds)
self-raising flour or plain flour 140g
baking powder 1 tsp, sifted with the flour
100g hazelnuts, baked for 10 minutes at 175C,until you can smell the aroma of them roasting

Brush the mould with a thin layer of melted butter, and sprinkle a little flour on it in order to unmould the cake smoothly. Chop the bananas (or with your hands!) into a big bowl, whisk the banana with the sugar. It's ok to leave some small blocks.
Beat the eggs in the other bowl until the color becomes lighter and the volume is larger.
Add the following stuff in the banana mixture: salt, beaten egg (in three turns), melted butter, vanilla extract, and mix well.
Add sifted flour and baking powder into the mixture a third at a time. Lightly blend until you can't see the trace of flour. Don't blend for too long.
Pour half of the mixture into the mould, sprinkle half of the hazelnuts, and then pour another half of the mixture. Sprinkle all hazelnuts left on the surface, bake the cake at 175C for 40 minutes.

You can replace the hazelnuts with any other nuts that you like! ;)

Well, you must tell me how you like it after you've tried my recipe...

Sunday 21 March 2010

Raspberry and Sesame Macarons 覆盆子与芝麻马卡龙

This is the first time that I made macarons for a party!

Hisako Ogita's I Love Macarons is really a good book for beginners and improvers on macaron baking. After trying so many recipes ( even including master Pierre Herme's ) I found hers the easiest and clearest to follow. Of course, masters' advices have been adapted by me when following her recipe, too.

Mainly based on Hisako-san's recipe, here is the Florrie adapted version of macaron baking. As long as you follow this recipe, it'll be hard to fail :)

For the Macaron batter: for 24 pairs ( or 48 pieces, about 2-3cm per piece )
85g ground almonds
150g powdered sugar
3 large size egg whites, at room temp
65g granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract, or seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean

After beating the egg whites, I separated it into two batches, and separated the powders in half as well. Then I added 15g sesame powder in one batch of powders, and add red color in one batch of the egg white, thus making two different batters ;) 

The basic steps of making macarons are similar to most of the recipes: Tant pour tant => beat the French meringue => add powder in two turns and mix well => Macaronnage => Macaronner. While the baking part I used Pierre Herme's method: preheat the oven to 200C, put the macarons in the oven and immediately lower the temperature to 180C, open the oven door with a wooden spoon, and bake for 10 mins. Although I didn't use one more baking sheet or baking tray to separate the lower heat, it doesn't matter.

For the butter cream:
100g unsalted butter
40ml water
40g granulated sugar
1 egg

After making the butter cream, I separated it into two batches, put 40g raspberry puree in one batch and 2 drops of vanilla extract in the other, thus making two different cream fillings ;)

Here are the final products! The red ones are vanilla macarons with raspberry butter cream, and light brown ones are sesame macarons with vanilla butter cream. Aren't they cute! ^^



同时要向所有初学或者中级水准的马卡龙爱好者推荐日本的Hisako Oqita的小书《我爱马卡龙》I Love Macarons。如果不要求太富有创意的口味变化的话,这本书真是图片多多、浅显易懂,又一如所有日本书的风格一般,很贴心地概括了所有做马卡龙时的注意事项。比如,在把热糖浆从微波炉里拿出来的时候,不忘细细叮嘱你要戴上隔热手套。(也许不是所有人都像我这么大头虾,但是有时候我真的会忘记加热过的糖浆温度有多么高,而直接用手去拿的*_*)

那么在烤的时候呢,就结合了Pierre Herme大师的建议,用了这里提到的方法烤。结果是很成功的哦,看来以后想在最短的时间内做简单的马卡龙口味的话,用这个方子是最合适的了!


85g 细细筛过的杏仁粉
150g 细细筛过的糖粉
65g 细砂糖
1茶匙 香草精,或1/2条香草棒刮的籽

做法与所有马卡龙的经典步骤差不多:tant pour tant => 打好蛋白 => 加香草籽 => 分两次加入粉类 => macaronnage15次=>完成。学做马卡龙的同学都知道,这看似简单的步骤一点也马虎不得。这里就不一一细说了,如果哪天有空了再专门开个失败总结帖吧(不过lovedance一共失败了两次,从第三次开始才成功的,不知道这样的学习效率算高还是算低呢!)~

马卡龙香草奶油夹心butter cream,约能做200g
100g 无盐黄油,室温
40ml 水
40g 细砂糖

黄油室温软化(或微波炉低火转10秒),用刮刀拌成美乃滋状 => 糖加水放进耐热杯里,中火转1分钟,搅拌至糖完全融化,继续微波炉转4分钟,直到成品的糖浆滴进冷水里能用手形成糖珠 => 热糖浆的同时打发全蛋,然后把热糖浆徐徐倒入蛋中,一边打发一边倒 => 把蛋打发到颜色变白及手感沉重,拉起来能形成三角 => 黄油分两次加入打好的蛋,并用电动打蛋器确实保证打匀 => 整体打发到成顺滑的奶油状 => 加香草精 => 完成。




Wednesday 17 March 2010

Pierre Herme's Chocolate Macaron Experiment 巧克力马卡龙实验

I have made macarons according to various recipes, but this is the first time I (nearly) completely followed Pierre Herme's instruction, from raw material to the way of baking. I was surprised to find out the French meringue in this recipe doesn't contain sugar---when you beat the egg whites, you don't add sugar to help get stiff... Did I get it wrong? 

It took me some time to finally decide to do it this way despite that many other macaron recipes of his follow a "normal" and "standard" French or Italian meringue beating procedure with sugar. The outcome is like this! Not too bad!

I have made two different fillings: mascarpone mousse and fresh raspberries. The former seems to be better! :)

And I even made some heart shape tiny macarons, aren't they cute? Just as big as my nails!

So, surprisingly this recipe succeeded! But it's really hard to get the surface dry, next time I will still use the normal French meringue:p

Recipe: from Chocolate Desserts by Pierre Herme
Ground Almond 140g
Confectioner's Sugar ( icing sugar) 250g
Cocoa powder 25g
Egg white 100g ( 3 L size egg whites plus a bit of the 4th egg white)

做过好几个比较经典的马卡龙配方,就是从来没能跟足大师Pierre Hermé的食谱及做法实践一次。其实心里已经形成了定势的时候,想要完全依照某人的做法来做一个甜点,并不是很容易的事情。你会在某个小细节情不自禁地按已经形成的习惯来做,或是因为已经按照完全不同的做法做成功过很多次而情不自禁地怀疑现在这种做法的可靠性,而无法控制地改动了一点点。更不用说当我看到PH的这个食谱,不由惊叹加十分的怀疑:实在是太不同了!

最大的不同在于他的法式蛋白霜,竟然是不加糖打的。其次的不同便是烘烤方式: 烤箱预热到220C,马卡龙一入炉立即降温到180C,用一木勺保持烤箱门开一条缝,烤10-12分钟,至表面硬。之后烤箱要回溫到220C,才能依样烤第二盘。烤好的马卡龙一出炉要立即从烤盘纸上除下(往纸与烤盘中间灌点儿热水,让马卡龙坐15秒,除下放网架冷却)。当然,如果用的是硅胶烤垫,热水应该是不用灌的了。






Monday 8 March 2010

生日蛋糕:榛果脆餅覆盆子馬斯卡朋慕斯 Raspberry and Mascarpone Mousse Cake

It is my birthday today! Thanks to all the family members, they made me feel warm and not lonely here. Of course, I have been planning making a very special birthday cake for over three weeks. After browsing hundreds of recipes ( a bit exaggerated...), I finally decided to combine the idea of Vi and Pierre Herme, to make this hemisphere raspberry mousse cake. Well, I admit that I was attracted by its bright color first of all! But you can also imagine how nice it would be when the slightly sour raspberries meet the sweet vanilla-scent mascarpone cheese, accompanied by crispy hazelnut dacquoise!

So here is the cake --- count from the top---fresh stawberries, raspberry mousse, vanilla mascarpone mousse, sweet basil and raspberry jelly, and hazelnut dacquoise. I used a 山 shape chocolate silicone mould to make the jelly in the middle in order to create a shape of lips, this 14cm mould to make the mascarpone mousse, and this 18cm mould for the whole cake. I only decorated it with sweet basil leaf, blackberry and baked isomalt sugar. I have to confess that the strawberries are completely accidental. All because the raspberry glaze which I originally planned to pour onto the cake melted the top mousse a bit, nearly created a disaster! I had to take off the glaze and decorated the cake with something to cover the defects :p  Please ignore the not-so-well-cut strawberries... I promise I will do better next time...

Here is the dacquoise recipe from Pierre Herme:
2/3 cup (70g) finely ground hazelnut powder or toasted and skinned hazelnuts
1 cup ( 100g) confectioners sugar
3 large egg whites, room temp
2 1/2 tbsp granulated sugar
1 cup ( 140g) hazelnuts, toasted, skinned, and cut in half

About the other part of the cake recipes, please refer to Vi.

So what is the pink part on the petits fours? Of course the failed raspberry glaze! I poured some glaze over the leftover raspberry mousse and mascarpone mousse, then the new variation was born ;)

這個生日過得好不熱鬧。一大家子人幫我慶生,先是去到King‘s Cross的老成都狠狠吃了一頓川菜,又收到一大堆禮物,真是開心得不得了。明天有空,現一下禮物們才行:p
話說這個生日可是偶跨入三十大關,因此蛋糕也提前兩天就開始準備(事實上是半個月前就開始策劃),打算做一個難度超級高的、很有女性味道的、富於春天氣息的,那個,慕斯蛋糕。看來看去還是阿Vi的覆盆子蛋糕最合我意,於是大部份採用了阿Vi的idea。另外最近狂迷“糕點界的畢加索”Pierre Herme,所以餅底打算用他的一個Dacquoise配方,因為材料出乎意料的簡單,而實際上,就是這麼好做!








2/3 cup (70g) finely ground hazelnut powder or toasted and skinned hazelnuts榛果粉,或略烤過並且去皮的榛果粒
1 cup ( 100g) confectioners sugar 冰糖。普通細砂糖也可以
3 large egg whites, room temp 大尺寸蛋白,室溫
2 1/2 tbsp sugar 細砂糖 granulated sugar
1 cup ( 140g) hazelnuts, toasted, skinned, and cut in half 去皮并于170C烤15分鐘的榛果粒,切半



80g Raspberry Puree 覆盆子果泥
2片 Sweet Basil leaves 甜羅勒葉
18g Icing sugar 糖粉
3g Gelatine leaf 明膠片
1茶匙 lemon juice 檸檬汁
1茶匙 rum 朗姆酒(阿Vi用的是覆盆子利口酒Crême de Framboise,我沒有,就用朗姆酒代替)

將覆盆子果泥﹑甜羅勒葉倒進食物調理機, 攪打成泥状,過篩,加糖粉和檸檬汁﹐用橡皮刀攪拌混合。
用耐熱容器盛著泡軟的明膠片和兩湯匙的果泥漿﹐再放微波爐中火加熱融化(約20秒) 。取出﹐攪拌至整體融合後﹐將其倒進果泥漿中混合均勻。拌入酒﹐攪拌融合﹐用湯匙將覆盆子甜羅勒泥舀進矽膠模型裡﹐放進冰箱冷藏凝固﹐至少3小時或一個晚上。


240ml whipping cream 鮮奶油
185g Mascarpone cheese 馬斯卡朋乳酪
120g granulated sugar 細砂糖
3個 L size Egg yolk 大的蛋黃
½條 vanilla bean 香草豆莢, 開半刮出籽
8g gelatine leaf 明膠片





170g Raspberry puree 覆盆子果泥
250ml whipping cream 鮮奶油
70g granulated sugar 細砂糖
10g leaf gelatine 明膠片
1茶匙 lemon juice 檸檬汁
2茶匙 rum 朗姆酒(阿Vi用的是覆盆子利口酒Crême de Framboise)



烤糖片的做法:將isomalt sugar撒在半邊硅膠烤墊上,用另半邊壓在上面,入烤箱180C烤5分鐘,拿出來用擀麵杖隔著烤墊稍微擀平,再入烤箱烤5分鐘,取出冷卻后掰成合適的大小即可。


剩下的鏡面隨便地澆在剩餘的覆盆子慕斯和馬斯卡朋慕斯上,又做成了另外的一口小點。與上面的榛果達克瓦滋夾覆盆子小點合起來可以叫les petite troi了:)中間的深紅色小月牙就是羅勒覆盆子果凍哦。想做出這樣的效果,只要在凝固的馬斯卡朋慕斯表面滴上圓形的果凍,再覆蓋以覆盆子慕斯即可。

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