Sunday 21 March 2010

Raspberry and Sesame Macarons 覆盆子与芝麻马卡龙

This is the first time that I made macarons for a party!

Hisako Ogita's I Love Macarons is really a good book for beginners and improvers on macaron baking. After trying so many recipes ( even including master Pierre Herme's ) I found hers the easiest and clearest to follow. Of course, masters' advices have been adapted by me when following her recipe, too.

Mainly based on Hisako-san's recipe, here is the Florrie adapted version of macaron baking. As long as you follow this recipe, it'll be hard to fail :)

For the Macaron batter: for 24 pairs ( or 48 pieces, about 2-3cm per piece )
85g ground almonds
150g powdered sugar
3 large size egg whites, at room temp
65g granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract, or seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean

After beating the egg whites, I separated it into two batches, and separated the powders in half as well. Then I added 15g sesame powder in one batch of powders, and add red color in one batch of the egg white, thus making two different batters ;) 

The basic steps of making macarons are similar to most of the recipes: Tant pour tant => beat the French meringue => add powder in two turns and mix well => Macaronnage => Macaronner. While the baking part I used Pierre Herme's method: preheat the oven to 200C, put the macarons in the oven and immediately lower the temperature to 180C, open the oven door with a wooden spoon, and bake for 10 mins. Although I didn't use one more baking sheet or baking tray to separate the lower heat, it doesn't matter.

For the butter cream:
100g unsalted butter
40ml water
40g granulated sugar
1 egg

After making the butter cream, I separated it into two batches, put 40g raspberry puree in one batch and 2 drops of vanilla extract in the other, thus making two different cream fillings ;)

Here are the final products! The red ones are vanilla macarons with raspberry butter cream, and light brown ones are sesame macarons with vanilla butter cream. Aren't they cute! ^^



同时要向所有初学或者中级水准的马卡龙爱好者推荐日本的Hisako Oqita的小书《我爱马卡龙》I Love Macarons。如果不要求太富有创意的口味变化的话,这本书真是图片多多、浅显易懂,又一如所有日本书的风格一般,很贴心地概括了所有做马卡龙时的注意事项。比如,在把热糖浆从微波炉里拿出来的时候,不忘细细叮嘱你要戴上隔热手套。(也许不是所有人都像我这么大头虾,但是有时候我真的会忘记加热过的糖浆温度有多么高,而直接用手去拿的*_*)

那么在烤的时候呢,就结合了Pierre Herme大师的建议,用了这里提到的方法烤。结果是很成功的哦,看来以后想在最短的时间内做简单的马卡龙口味的话,用这个方子是最合适的了!


85g 细细筛过的杏仁粉
150g 细细筛过的糖粉
65g 细砂糖
1茶匙 香草精,或1/2条香草棒刮的籽

做法与所有马卡龙的经典步骤差不多:tant pour tant => 打好蛋白 => 加香草籽 => 分两次加入粉类 => macaronnage15次=>完成。学做马卡龙的同学都知道,这看似简单的步骤一点也马虎不得。这里就不一一细说了,如果哪天有空了再专门开个失败总结帖吧(不过lovedance一共失败了两次,从第三次开始才成功的,不知道这样的学习效率算高还是算低呢!)~

马卡龙香草奶油夹心butter cream,约能做200g
100g 无盐黄油,室温
40ml 水
40g 细砂糖

黄油室温软化(或微波炉低火转10秒),用刮刀拌成美乃滋状 => 糖加水放进耐热杯里,中火转1分钟,搅拌至糖完全融化,继续微波炉转4分钟,直到成品的糖浆滴进冷水里能用手形成糖珠 => 热糖浆的同时打发全蛋,然后把热糖浆徐徐倒入蛋中,一边打发一边倒 => 把蛋打发到颜色变白及手感沉重,拉起来能形成三角 => 黄油分两次加入打好的蛋,并用电动打蛋器确实保证打匀 => 整体打发到成顺滑的奶油状 => 加香草精 => 完成。





WHO IS WU said...
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Florence said...

Thanks:) Hope to let you try it one day!

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